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All-in-one collection of activators from Ratiborus for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, Office 2010/2013/2016/2019.
Included programs
AAct Network v1.1.9 Portable
AAct v4.2 Portable
ConsoleAct v2.9 Portable
Defender Tools v1.0.7
Garbage Collector v1.3.7 x86_x64_28_05_2019
KMSAuto Lite Portable v1.5.6
KMSAuto Net 2016 v1.5.4 Portable
KMSCleaner v2.2 Portable
KMSoffline v2.1.6 RU EN
MSAct++ 2.07.3
MSActBackUp Portable v1.2.6
Office 2013-2019 C2R Install v7.06
Office Uninstall v1.8.2
PIDKey Lite v1.64.4 b3 RU EN and more
UniCrypt 2016 v2.2
W10 Digital Activation Program v1.3.7 Portable

Whats New
AAct Network v1.1.9 Portable
AAct v4.2 Portable
ConsoleAct v2.9 Portable
Defender Tools v1.0.7
KMSoffline v2.1.6 RU EN
MSActBackUp Portable v1.2.6
Office 2013-2019 C2R Install v7.06
PIDKey Lite v1.64.4 b3 RU EN and more   All-in-One DOWNLOAD  (51MB)
Microsoft Activation Scripts   AIO v2.8  - 13 KB

Microsoft Activation Scripts 1.1 - 2.8 MB

MBR Fix  64bit  |  32bit  |  about  | Help  MBR_Util
CorelDraw►  Repair Tool Box
Corel Keygen X3  || X5  ||  X5/X6 || xForce-X5/X6  ||
WinRAR Reg Key  (Right Click on Link & select Save link as and save it to c:\program files\WinRAR\ folder) you will get WinRAR registered :-) 

Mega Link Downloader