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How To Increase RAM In BlueStacks To Make It Faster

 BlueStacks in one of the most popular Android emulator. It allows you to play Android games and Apps on your computer/PC. Being slightly heavy application, it requires the PC to have at least 2GB or more RAM for running applications smoothly. By default BlueStacks uses 768MB RAM, which sometimes is not enough to run it smoothly. Increasing the RAM in BlueStacks might solve the problem.

The hanging problem is caused by low amount of RAM assigned to BlueStacks. You can install and run Smart System App to check currenly assigned RAM size. This tutorial shows you how to Increase/Decrease Size of RAM in BlueStacks to make it faster.

The hanging problem is caused by low amount of RAM assigned to BlueStacks. You can install and run Smart System App to check currenly assigned RAM size. This tutorial shows you how to Increase/Decrease Size of RAM in BlueStacks to make it faster.

How To Increase RAM In BlueStacks To Make It Faster?

Step 1

All BlueStacks service and processes must be closed before we start. To do this, navigate to folder “C:\Program Files\Bluestacks” or “C:\Program Files (x86)\Bluestacks” and double-click the file “HD-Quit.exe” to exit all processes and services.

Step 2

Now, open RUN utility by pressing Windows Key + R key combination. Type “regedit” in the box and press OK to open the Registry Editor.

You may be prompted for Administrator’s permission, click Yes to continue.

This will open Registry Editor window

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > BlueStacks > Guests > Android

You will see a Memory DWORD on right side. Double-click on the Memory DWORD to see the details of currently allocated Memory. We will be using this DWORD to change the RAM size allocated to BlueStacks.

You will see the details of Memory. You will see Value data 300 (Hexadecimal) by default, which mean 768 MB in decimal. This means current assigned size of RAM is 768 MB. It is also dependent on your PC’s RAM size. If you have enough memory in your computer, you can change this value data.

Step 4

Change the Base to Decimal so that you can type size of RAM in normal mode. Now, fill the size of RAM in Value data field. You can assign as much RAM to BlueStacks as you wish. Here, we are assigning 1GB RAM, so, we have entered 1024 in Value data field.

Click OK to apply changes. You can now close the Registry Editor. 
Now, you should get faster and better performance than before.

For instance, if you have total 8GB RAM in your PC, you can easily assign 4GB RAM to BlueStacks and it is more than enough.

Above tutorial explained how you can use Registry editor to change assigned RAM size in BlueStacks. However, this method works only on very old versions (version 2 or earlier). If you are using latest version of BlueStacks, you don’t need to make changes to registry values for increasing the RAM.


File Size 246 MB

BlueStacks v0.9.3.4070 SuperUser    (200.63 MB)

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