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WYSIWYG style HTML Editors 100% FREE

General Features of a WYSIWYG Editor

Most WYSIWYG editors look similar but vary in style and feature offering. For a simple example of a WYSIWYG editor, you can go ahead and check out Summernote.

Summernote and many other WYSIWYG editors offer the following features:
  • A style feature showing a dropdown menu of text styles (Normal, Quote, Header 1, etc.)
  • A bold text feature
  • An underline text feature
  • An option to remove the font style
  • A background and foreground color grid
  • A paragraph feature with different alignment options
  • A feature that lets you create tables with a certain number of rows and columns
  • A hyperlink feature
  • A feature that lets you insert images
  • A fullscreen view feature
  • A text mode feature
You can go ahead and type your own text and insert your own media into the Summernote WYSIWYG editor directly on the website to see how it works. Whatever you type, insert and customize will look exactly how it would look if it were published on the web.
 Amaya 11.4.7 DOWNLOAD (13MB)
With the help of Amaya you can create websites using rich features for creating and updating documents. It primarily appeals to users with limited or no experience in web design.

The app features a "what you see is what you get" interface, divided into multiple panes for applying elements, classes, attributes and special characters, aside from the main workspace area.

It offers support for HTML elements (e.g. heading, numbered lists, text effects, tables), mathematical symbols (e.g. square root, inclusion, matrix), standard drawing tools (e.g. line, shape, image), databases, XML, and WebDAV.

You can split the view into design and edit mode, switch to full screen, use a search function, edit CSS, ask Amaya to check the spelling and clean up the code, change the document type, add or update the table of contents, as well as set namespace declarations and annotations, among many other options. Help documentation is available to help you along the way.

Amaya supports keyboard shortcuts and has a good response time, using low system resources. We have not come across any issues in our tests, since the program did not hang, crash or show error dialogs. All in all, Amaya gives novice users the possibility of creating standard web sites using simple and intuitive tools.
  • This snapshot contains a security fix for a problem with the libwww as, in some cases, user password could be sent in the clear through https.
  • This problem concerns only people who use the PUT capability of Amaya over SSL.
 Web Design Toy DOWNLOAD (479Kb)
Web Design Toy provides a deceptively simple split-window layout. Whatever HTML is typed in the editor window is instantly shown in web-page form in the display window. The result is an imediate feedback learning tool - a perfect companion for any HTML course or learning tutorial.

To use, download the program and run. The program is entirely self-contained and requires no installation (it can also be run directly from fixed media such as Flash card or CD). Deceptively simple, Web-Design-Toy helps students quickly get over difficult learning curves such as tables and CSS styles. It's a fantastic companion for any HTML course, tutorial or book. Web-Design-Toy is a single compact executable with no spyware or even DLL dependencies. It is part of a growing collection of freeware web tools available here at Acme Web Design.

Here are some key features of "Web Design Toy":
■ Simplifies learning HTML by providing the student with instant feedback ■ It's simple! No training required and no learning curve ■ No DLLs installed and no IE dependencies to conflict with other software ■ Compact and simple - just one 500k executable file - no installation ■ Really freeware! No spy-ware, no ad-ware no parasites

 LopeEdit Lite Portable DOWNLOAD (4,7MB)
Text and source code editor with numerous features, including syntax highlights and preconfigured environment, wrapped in a portable package. LopeEdit Lite Portable is a text and source code editor that comes packed with a multitude of options  and configuration settings for casual users looking for a Notepad replacement as well as power users interested in more control.
  • Feature-rich text and source code editor
Since it's wrapped in a portable package, you can extract all files to a preferred directory on the disk and double-click the .exe to reach the main window. It has a built-in file browser that helps you easily navigate disk directories without leaving this window, along with a rich toolbar and menu bar.

When it comes to the source code formats, LopeEdit Lite Portable offer support for HTML, C/C++, Java, Visual Basic, SQL and XML, among others. Besides the local disk, you can open files from a web server or FTP server as well as send files as email attachments without having to open your external email client.
  • Explore many text formatting options
Numerous text editing options are put at your disposal. You can increase or decrease the indent, insert or replace all tabs with spaces, delete whole lines, empty lines or all spaces to the end of line, and add or remove comments.

It's also possible to pick the file encoding mode (ANSI/ASCII, Unicode, Unicode Big Endian, UTF-8, UTF-8 without BOM), convert text case (upper, lower, invert, title or phrase format), insert files, the date and time or HTML colors, and adjust lines.
  • Search and replace text using advanced filters
To find and replace text, you can turn to a user-friendly function with advanced filters, such as case or whole word only matching, and regular expressions. Searches can be carried out within the current document only or all opened files (in multiple tabs).

LopeEdit Lite Portable can display the ASCII table, mark favorite documents, stay on top of other windows, wrap words, show line numbers, spaces and tabulators, and apply another interface language.

You can view statistics with the document's time of creation, last access and last modification, together with the total lines, empty lines, words, characters (with and without blanks). The toolbars and commands can be customized while keyboard shortcuts can be remapped to your preferences.
  • Comprehensive text editor for casual and power users
The application worked smoothly on Windows 10 in our evaluation without putting a strain on the processor and memory. Thanks to its comprehensive features, LopeEdit Lite Portable should meet the requirements of many users.

For even more features, such as Code Templates, FTP Browser, Project Management and Console Panel, you can take a look at LopeEdit Pro Portable.

Easy Photo 2 Data URI DOWNLOAD (1.3MB)
Improve HTML pages that contain graphic elements with this application that offers image embedding for an enhanced page or newsletter view

Working with multiple graphic elements when designing web pages can be challenging from multiple perspectives. For instance, loading several images through individual requests can take substantial time and is not efficient. Alternative methods, such as the deployment of “data URI” schemes, offered by Easy Photo 2 Data URI can solve such issues by allowing multiple elements to be nested into a single HTML page, accessible through a single request.
Minimalist approach that might not be the best for undertakings that employ working with imagery

The app features a basic interface that constrains users on operating through a “scroll-panel” workflow, which might not be the friendliest in terms of handling. Nevertheless, individual images or folders containing images can be added and several handy options ensure a straightforward inputting/saving.

One aspect that could be considered bothersome is the fact that when loading multiple images, these cannot be viewed simultaneously and browsing through them is rather counter-intuitive.
Add your preferred images and process them accordingly before embedding them

Prior to the actual Data URI embedding process, the app offers users a bunch of tools for processing them according to their requirements. Operations such as mirroring, resizing, cropping or color processing are just a few of the available options.

However, and this is a “big” however, the image pre-processing provided in the app is not related and non-essential for preparing the images for the embedding process. Although useful, this kind of avoids the main functionality, which in turn yields an over-simplified conversion process, which might lack more advanced features.
Average, basic software solution for embedding images into HTML pages through the Data URI protocol

For those who require to process their images before embedding them through the Data URI protocol, this program could be a viable solution. Nevertheless, users must be prepared to live with several limitations, especially in the actual URI conversion functionality.

 EnWeb editor DOWNLOAD (8.4MB)
A full-featured yet easy to use HTML editor that comes with a generous set of tools ready to help web developers create compelling webpages. EnWeb editor provides web developers with a reliable HTML code editor carefully designed to meet the need for a balance between a user-friendly working environment and a generous feature set. With the proper knowledge in terms of HTML programming, you can create compelling webpages with this application, exactly as you would with more complex software solutions.

A full-featured HTML and CSS editor
EnWeb features a generous tab-based code editing area, with line numbering, syntax highlighting and text wrapping. There are various navigation and built-in search options that make the entire user experience pleasant, saving you time.

Additionally, the HTML editor comes with line operation functions that, among others, enable you to duplicate, remove or highlight an entire row. You can comment or uncomment a line, convert the text to uppercase or lowercase, capitalize words or create ordered and unordered lists, all with a few clicks.

Add libraries and style sheet files in your project
The EnWeb editor can insert program, library and style sheet files in the current project. There is a library manager where all the libraries are shown. Furthermore, it enables you to add comments, headers and footers, forms and tables, lists, texts and special characters in your HTML document. The file can also include hyperlinks, image and email links, as well as various multimedia files (images, videos and audio files).

Built-in set of commands for CSS and HTML
There is a plethora of code editing commands that execute various HTML and CSS statements, saving you a significant amount of time. From code alignment, font, heading, lists and links, scripts, tables and texts, margins, images and borders, it can be all customized to your liking in EnWeb editor.
A user-friendly code editor fit for everyone

The EnWeb editor features a comprehensive editor with lots of commands and options meant to save you time when coding in HTML and CSS, which is probably its most noticeable advantage. The editor is easy to work with and comes with a feature set that is enough to meet the requirements of most users, which makes it suitable for any type of user, be it a beginner in web development or an experienced programmer.

 Image2HtmlLite DOWNLOAD (20.5MB)
An intuitive and user-friendly software solution that allows you to effortlessly embed your chosen images within HTML or CSS files

When you want to share some of your photos with friends who live in a different city, country or even continent, one of the most convenient ways to do it is to send them via email.

However, if they are too large, you might not be able to add them as attachments to your messages as your email client will strip them before sending the email. The alternative is to use Image2HtmlLite, a nifty app for embedding your pics in HTML files that are much smaller than pictures.
Drag and drop the images you want to embed

Once you have installed the application to your PC, you need to drag and drop the graphic files you want to integrate within an HTML document.

Considering you do not need to access complicated menus or windows in order to select your source pictures, it goes without saying that the app can be used even by those who do not have expert computer skills. The loaded pic will be instantly previewed in the dedicated panel and you can proceed to adjusting it as you see fit.
Modify contrast, size and brightness of the embedded image

Image2HtmlLite offers you the possibility to tweak and enhance the appearance of the image until you are completely satisfied with it.

More precisely, you can alter the brightness and contrast levels, then preview the changes in real-time, while also resizing its width and height by simply using your cursor to move a slider.
Save and share generated HTML, CSS or XML files

At this point, users with expert programming skills can start modifying the contents of their newly-created files with additional line of code. If you are not interested in this, you can go ahead and save the files, then share them via email with your friends.

All in all, Image2HtmlLite can help you quickly embed your pictures within HTML, CSS, XML, XHTML or BASE64 files that can be shared via email without any problems.

 Typora (32+64bit) DOWNLOAD (112MB)
Swiftly write, edit, format and convert text to HTML with the help of this modern looking, streamlined and novice-accessible piece of software

Even though most Markdown editors are designed to simplify the job of converting text to HTML, they can be a bit intimidating, especially for newcomers.

Typora is a streamlined piece of software that is designed from the ground up to help you write and edit using the Markdown language without distracting you from the job at hand.
Slick Markdown editor with live preview

Basically, by offering a smart live preview feature, it can do without preview windows, mode switchers and syntax highlighters, thus, providing a clean and very functional work environment for web writers.

If you already master the basics of Markdown editing, then working with this utility should be a nothing less than a walk in the park.
Effortlessly format text with the help of some handy tools

With the help of the contextual menu, you can insert images, footnotes, lines, tables, code fences, math blocks, table of contents, YAML front matters and new paragraphs.

With the help of the same contextual menu or with the help of the classic Paragraph and Format menus, you can effortlessly edit and customize the text.
Offers way more features than you would initially think

Also worth mentioning is the fact that Typora makes it possible for you to export your projects as PDF and HTML files and even as Word, OpenOffice, Epub, LaTex and Media Wiki-specific formats.

In addition, since working long hours with text can put a serious strain on your eyes, you should know that Typora comes with a small set of very useful themes, suitable for almost all the conditions from your working environment. Clean-looking and smooth-running Markdown editor

By now, it is quite clear that Typora's strong point is not necessarily the number of features (although it is fair to mention that it has almost everything you need from a Markdown editor) but actually its overall simplicity and accesability. All in all, regardless of you being a novice or an actual Markdown-ninja, Typora has the potential to improve your Markdown editing and previewing times and it clearly deserves to be at least tried out.

 HTML Editor .NET Edition DOWNLOAD (8.5MB)
Redesign and improve your outdated email without having to go through the hassle of configuring it again with this intuitive application

Generally speaking, users are more inclined to open an unknown email that if it looks fresh and updated. No matter how hard you invested in your email marketing campaigns, the truth is that it is wise to keep up with your visitors' tastes and preferences.

HTML Editor .NET Edition enables you to make fast modifications to your HTML files without performing additional configuration settings.
Intuitive and clean interface

Even though it is minimalistic, the interface is more than enough for the role of the program. The main window consists of a toolbar with various function and a larger panel where you do the actual editing.

The customization options are rudimentary, whereas the options are reduced to activating the spellchecker and ignoring words with uppercase or the HTML code. On the other hand, you do not have to worry about configuring, so you know the end result looks good once uploaded.
Dazzling functionality

Editing in HTML Editor .NET Edition is as simple as working in a document creator. After you upload your file, you can immediately start changing the text fonts or edit the header and body.

If necessary, you can also add hyperlinks, pictures, lines, the current date and tables to your new project. In addition, you can merge various elements (job title, name, email, phone number, etc) in one line, if you want to provide this type of information.
Anti-spam features

You can choose between various templates for bulk email projects, samples that can contain facts or links to the websites of recognized authorities. For instance, the travel template comes with several did-you-know facts about well-known tourist attractions in the US.

It is important to note that before you can use the templates included, the application asks you to fill in a form first. More exactly, you need to provide a valid physical postal address along with your email.

The data is requested to make sure you comply with the CAN-SPAM Act and you can embed it in the templates. While everyone hates spam, this extra step seems intrusive to your private life.
A good tool for email marketers

If you are looking for an easy-to-use utility to make some minor content modifications for your standard emails, then HTML Editor .NET Edition can be your answer.

Publii DOWNLOAD (88MB)
Build websites and blogs based on static HTML files with the help of this app that invests in both the aesthetics and search engine ranking of your content. Static HTML generators are said to be rather difficult to handle, making the mere idea of building a site an epic quest. Publii is a piece of software that seems to have noticed this inconvenience, and it tries to put an end to it. The website creator brings close at hand a multitude of tools you can resort to in order to build eye-catching designs you can populate with SEO-optimized content.

Helps you create websites based on static HTML filesThe program sports a sleek user interface that guides you through all the steps you need to take in order to create websites and blogs that stand out from the crowd and that look good regardless of the device and the screen you are exploring them on.

Publii allows you to create and manage an unlimited number of websites, with the possibility of sharing the work with multiple authors. As for the appearance of your site, it should be pointed out that you have complete freedom as regards theme customization, with an impressive set of tools being integrated just for that.

Helps you optimize your site for search enginesCreating a post is easy as pie, and there are a multitude of editing tools you can rely on in order to make content as stylish as possible. Typing in bold or italics, playing with various alignment types, inserting bullet or numbered lists, blockquotes, images, video, tables, hyperlinks, and more can all be done without putting too much effort in the process, with a summary of the kind of words you employed being updated in real time.

However, Publii is not just about creating a good-looking package for the content you want to upload online since it also provides considerable help in order to make sure you reach your audience. For that, you can customize a host of data for search engines, with metatags being available as well. Apart from that, open graph support is offered, and to make sure your website can be accessed in the blink of an eye, powerful file compression is on the feature list.

Feature-packed website creator with a focus on simplicityAll in all, Publii is a well put-together website creator that allows for a multitude of customizations without taking a toll on the user experience. The program is thus resourceful but at the same time approachable, and its focus on the aesthetics of your website blends in quite nicely with its interest in making your site available to as many users as possible, regardless of whether they are using a PC or a mobile device.

Google HTML Editor (64bit) DOWNLOAD (1.2MB)


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