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How to Manage Windows Features from Command Line with DISM

 Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 includes a new command line utility to enable and disable Windows features. The Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool (DISM) is perfect for IT professionals and power users that want to manage Windows components without using the GUI. Since it is a command line utility it can be used in scripts to manage components.

Using DISM requires an administrative level command prompt. Click on the Start Button, type in cmd, hold down Shift and Ctrl and hit Enter (holding down Shift and Ctrl while hitting enter will start any command you type in as administrator).

Once you have your Administrative level command prompt running you can start experimenting with DISM. To get a list of features you can type in dism /online /get-features | more and hit Enter.

The output will be similar to this:

Feature Name : OEMHelpCustomization
State : Disabled

Feature Name : CorporationHelpCustomization
State : Disabled

Feature Name : SimpleTCP
State : Disabled

Feature Name : SNMP
State : Disabled

Feature Name : WMISnmpProvider
State : Disabled

Feature Name : TelnetServer
State : Disabled

Feature Name : TelnetClient
State : Disabled

Feature Name : WindowsGadgetPlatform
State : Enabled

Feature Name : InboxGames
State : Disabled

Feature Name : More Games
State : Disabled

Feature Name : Solitaire
State : Disabled

Feature Name : SpiderSolitaire
State : Disabled

Feature Name : Hearts
State : Disabled

Feature Name : FreeCell
State : Disabled

Feature Name : Minesweeper
State : Disabled

Feature Name : PurblePlace
State : Disabled

Feature Name : Chess
State : Disabled

Feature Name : Shanghai
State : Disabled

Feature Name : Internet Games
State : Disabled

Feature Name : Internet Checkers
State : Disabled

Feature Name : Internet Backgammon
State : Disabled

Feature Name : Internet Spades
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-WebServerRole
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-WebServer
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-CommonHttpFeatures
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-HttpErrors
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-HttpRedirect
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-ApplicationDevelopment
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-NetFxExtensibility
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-HttpLogging
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-LoggingLibraries
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-RequestMonitor
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-HttpTracing
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-Security
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-URLAuthorization
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-RequestFiltering
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-IPSecurity
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-Performance
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-WebServerManagementTools
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-ManagementScriptingTools
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-Metabase
State : Disabled

Feature Name : WAS-WindowsActivationService
State : Disabled

Feature Name : WAS-ProcessModel
State : Disabled

Feature Name : WAS-NetFxEnvironment
State : Disabled

Feature Name : WAS-ConfigurationAPI
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-HostableWebCore
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-StaticContent
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-DefaultDocument
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-DirectoryBrowsing
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-WebDAV
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-ASPNET
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-ASP
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-CGI
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-ISAPIExtensions
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-ISAPIFilter
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-ServerSideIncludes
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-CustomLogging
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-BasicAuthentication
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-HttpCompressionStatic
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-ManagementConsole
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-ManagementService
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-WMICompatibility
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-LegacyScripts
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-LegacySnapIn
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-FTPServer
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-FTPSvc
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-FTPExtensibility
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-WindowsAuthentication
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-DigestAuthentication
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-IISCertificateMappingAuthentication
State : Disabled

Feature Name : IIS-ODBCLogging
State : Disabled

Feature Name : MediaPlayback
State : Enabled

Feature Name : WindowsMediaPlayer
State : Enabled

Feature Name : MediaCenter
State : Enabled

Feature Name : OpticalMediaDisc
State : Enabled

Feature Name : NetFx3
State : Enabled

Feature Name : WCF-HTTP-Activation
State : Disabled

Feature Name : WCF-NonHTTP-Activation
State : Disabled

Feature Name : RasRip
State : Disabled

Feature Name : RasCMAK
State : Disabled

Feature Name : MSMQ-Container
State : Disabled

Feature Name : MSMQ-Server
State : Disabled

Feature Name : MSMQ-Triggers
State : Disabled

Feature Name : MSMQ-ADIntegration
State : Disabled

Feature Name : MSMQ-HTTP
State : Disabled

Feature Name : MSMQ-Multicast
State : Disabled

Feature Name : MSMQ-DCOMProxy
State : Disabled

Feature Name : TabletPCOC
State : Enabled

Feature Name : ServicesForNFS-ClientOnly
State : Disabled

Feature Name : ClientForNFS-Infrastructure
State : Disabled

Feature Name : NFS-Administration
State : Disabled

Feature Name : SUA
State : Disabled

Feature Name : Printing-Foundation-Features
State : Enabled

Feature Name : Printing-Foundation-LPRPortMonitor
State : Disabled

Feature Name : Printing-Foundation-LPDPrintService
State : Disabled

Feature Name : Printing-Foundation-InternetPrinting-Client
State : Enabled

Feature Name : FaxServicesClientPackage
State : Enabled

Feature Name : ScanManagementConsole
State : Disabled

Feature Name : Xps-Foundation-Xps-Viewer
State : Enabled

Feature Name : TFTP
State : Disabled

Feature Name : MSRDC-Infrastructure
State : Enabled

Feature Name : Printing-XPSServices-Features
State : Enabled

Feature Name : Indexing-Service-Package
State : Disabled

Feature Name : Internet-Explorer-Optional-x86
State : Enabled

Feature Name : TIFFIFilter
State : Disabled

Feature Name : SearchEngine-Client-Package
State : Enabled

To enable a feature you need the full feature name as displayed on the previous /get-features command. The full feature name is case sensitive! Once you have the full feature name type in dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:<feature name> and hit Enter.

For example, to enable Media Center run dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:MediaCenter.

To disable a feature type in dism /online /disable-feature /featurename:<feature name> and hit Enter.

For example, to disable Media Center run dism /online /disable-feature /featurename:MediaCenter.  

Enabling or disabling some features will require a reboot. If you are using the DISM command within a script and want to prevent asking to reboot simply append /NoRestart to the end of your command.

for More Info.... Click Here

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