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Windows 10 Live USB v4.4 2022 (x86/x64) - RAM 1GB to 2GB Booted

 In this version v4.4, there is an additional version of WinPE x86 (32bit), booting RAM takes up 800MB, and only has some necessary software, enough for basic use for weakly configured machines, not too much heavy software.And when unplugging the USB, the Software still uses it normally as before.
RAM takes up 800MB when starting the new Task Manager interface, monitoring CPU clock, RAM, Network, Services, Process...

On WinPE x64 bit, the software package will be displayed in full, and requires 4GB RAM, if Boot WinPE x64 in 2GB RAM machine, the software package will automatically reduce, and less software. Stick to using and testing WinPE on every configuration.

MenuBoot Grub4dos, Windows Boot Manager, Leagacy Mbr, changed and added Boot mode for WinPE x86 ( 32bit ). and similarly in UEFI mode, please choose and use it for the right purpose, with the correct configuration of the machine that the RAM is available.

Update New: 26/04/2022 - Name: WinPE10Ktv-x86-x64-v4.4-Final-2022.7z

Size: 1847035978 bytes (1.76 GB)

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